May 28, 2009

First 3 formations in barley

Windmill Hill

Bishop Canning's

Barbury Castle
Having had a wonderful start to the crop circle season with a record-breaking eleven formations in flowering oilseed rape, the first circles have now been reported in green barley. This is truly a pleasure to go into as the soft heads of the crop sway in the breeze making you feel you're walking through the ocean as you go down the tramlines. All three circles are in Wiltshire within a few miles of the crop circle epicentre of Avebury and all three are in locations that regularly have crop circles.
Last year we had a formation at Barbury Castle that showed Pi clearly in its clever design, and now we have another one at the same location also showing Pi as 22/7. There are 22 circles in total and 7 in the inner ring of circles, there are also 7 rings within the design. We are told that on 22nd July (22/7) this year there will be a total solar eclipse. Many people are finding astronomical interpretations within the crop circles geometry.
We havent been into these formations but the reports we've heard are that the ground features are impressive with few signs of damage to the stems.
What will be next?

May 11, 2009

Eleventh Circle of the Season

This circle was reported after we had left Wiltshire yesterday and so, sadly, we havent visited it. The grey circle is the stems indicating that those plants unusually were probably laid radially towards the centre. The five laid circular areas appear to be impossible to access. What an interesting design!

Peak's Down Formetion

Some of the First People to Enter

We entered the Peak's Down formation early afternoon Sunday and it was apparent that we were amongst the first people to enter it. It was gorgeous with all the yellow flower heads and stems gently laying close to the ground with no visible signs of damage. Some stems were broken close to the ground but most were curved over and the soft bloom on the stems (like that on a grape) was unmarked. We felt we needed to tiptoe between stems to make our way around the different circles, some of which has swirled nests in the centre and some of which had flat spiralling centres. In actual fact all of them were somewhat 'off to one side' and not in the geometric centre at all.

Inside the Rapeseed Formations

Yesterday (Sunday May 10th) we went into this formation, the largest ever crop circle in oilseed rape. The stems stand at five feet tall and you get yellow pollen all over your clothes walking down the tramlines. the formation was 6 days old and had obviously had a lot of visitors but there was still strong dowsable energy present. It is massive and rather like walking through a maze, not being able to see much of the rest of the pattern except the part you are in.
Check out the next blog about the latest circle to appear that we went into.

May 7, 2009

A Torrent of Circles!

And still they keep coming, crop circles in oilseed rape crop. The season started with six formations in April and there have been a further three in the first week of May.

We are now in England and are going to Wiltshire tomorrow to check out some of the latest ones so we'll report on what we find. Till then here are photos of the latest ones since our last post on this blog. in England